SFOC (regulatory) and BVLOS assistance
Transport Canada requires operators in certain conditions to hold a Special Flight Operating Certificate (SFOC). Canfly Drones is able to assist and provide guidance for the process. These are the conditions currently specified under CARS Part IX that require an SFOC;
- RPAS with a take-off weight greater than 25 kg,
- operations beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS),
- foreign operator,
- altitudes above 400′ above ground level,
- operation of more than 5 aircraft from one control station (swarm),
- special aviation event or advertised event,
- certain payloads,
- operations within 3 nautical miles from an aerodrome operated by the Ministry of National Defense,
- any other operation to which the Minister of Transport consider an SFOC necessary to ensure aviation safety or the safety of any person.
Turn around times vary be complexity of the operation. Contact us to get started!